Blickachsen 8

Contemporary Sculpture in Bad Homburg and Frankfurt Rhine-Main

22 May – 3 October 2011
In collaboration with Museum Beelden aan Zee, The Hague-Scheveningen, The Netherlands

Bad Homburg, Schlosspark and Kurpark:

Magdalena Abakanowicz | Nicolas Alquin | Caspar Berger | Jonathan Borofsky | Tony Cragg  | Nicolas Dings | Alfred Haberpointner | Nigel Hall | Sebastian Kuhn | Joep van Lieshout  | Vincent Olinet | Dennis Oppenheim  | Tom Otterness | Oliviero Rainaldi | Stefan Rohrer | Iris Le Rütte | Peter Schwickerath | Sui Jianguo | Johan Tahon | Bernar Venet | Venske & Spänle | Henk Visch

Darmstadt, Town Church and Kunsthalle Darmstadt:
David Nash

Eschborn, Camp-Phönix-Park and Sculpture Park Niederhöchstadt:
Nigel Hall | Dietrich Klinge

Frankfurt, Campus Westend und Campus Riedberg of Goethe University:
Magdalena Abakanowicz | Masayuki Koorida | Bernar Venet

Promoted by:
Magistrat der Stadt (Municipal authorities of the City of) Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH (Cultural authorities), Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Administration of the Public Stately Homes & Gardens Hesse
Galerie Scheffel GmbH

Under the patronage of the Minister-President of Hesse, Volker Bouffier      

Information: phone +49 – (0) 61 72 – 681 19 46

Supporters: Blickachsen 8 is made possible through the generous support of
Artima®, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Leasing AG,
Friends of Blickachsen, KPMG AG, Stefan Quandt



Blickachsen 8 RheinMain
commissioned by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain