Blickachsen 4
Contemporary Sculpture in the Historic Bad Homburg Kurpark
18 May – 5 October 2003
In collaboration with Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
Carl Andre I Miguel Berrocal I Claus Bury I Ricardo Calero I Rainer Fetting I Eric Fischl I Sebastian Fleiter I Antony Gormley I Nigel Hall I Karl Hartung I Harry Hauck I Per Kirkeby I Joseph Kosuth I Mathias Lanfer I Helge Leiberg I Markus Lüpertz I Nicola Möser I A. R. Penck I Lawrence Weiner I Trak Wendisch
Promoted by:
Magistrat der Stadt Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Galerie Scheffel GmbH
Under the patronage of the Minister-President of Hesse, Roland Koch
Information: phone +49 – (0) 61 72 – 681 19 46
Supporters: Blickachsen 4 is made possible through the generous support of ALTANA AG and Basler Versicherungen