Blickachsen 3
Contemporary Sculpture in the Historic Bad Homburg Kurpark
13 May – 1 October 2001
In collaboration with Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany
Louise Bourgeois I Claus Bury I Ricardo Calero I Thomas Gerhards I Yvonne Goulbier I Nigel Hall I John Henry I Bryan Hunt I Lothar Krüll I David Nash I Marta Pan I Jaume Plensa I George Rickey I Ulrich Rückriem I Reiner Seliger I Marialuisa Tadei I Timm Ulrichs I Wolf Vostell I Erwin Wortelkamp I Michael Zwingmann
Promoted by:
Magistrat der Stadt Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Galerie Scheffel GmbH
Information: phone +49 – (0) 61 72 – 681 19 46
Supporters: Blickachsen 3 is made possible through the generous support of ALTANA AG, Basler Versicherungen and Bethmann Bank