Sebastian Kuhn
(Germany) *1977 in Krumbach
Sebastian Kuhn works with everyday objects and uses the fact that they have a history, and that the artist as well as the observer connect them to specific experiences, functions, actions and emotions. In deconstructing and reformulating the objects Kuhn integrates the observer’s perception as well as movement into the work itself. “Heterospective” is a walk-in sculpture constructed from industrial building elements. It is connected to its surrounding space through a variety of mirror effects and visual corridors, offering the observer a continuous change of perspective. Through its architectonic form and parallels in colouring it reaches out from its location in the Bad Homburg Kurpark to create a tension-filled dialogue with the nearby Thai Sala. For “Z4UTURNAROUNDROTATION” Kuhn cut up three BMW Z4 car bodies into their component parts, and reconstituted them into a new, futuristic-looking form. The symmetry of the axles and of the front and rear ends of the cars was discarded, the wheels left off and new elements added. Through the elimination of the direction of travel of the vehicles, the work creates an impression of dynamic rotation.