
Rag and Bone With Bin

Rag and Bone With Bin 5

In ”Blickachsen 6“ Laura Ford’s ”Bird“ and ”Espaliered Girl“ were on display in the castle gardens. This year, in ”Rag and Bone With Blanket“, a fox sits as a beggar on the steps of the Bad Homburg Sinclair-Haus. The head of a teddy-bear – a small child’s toy – peeps out from under the blanket in which the fox is wrapped. This figure is the beginning of a path to be traced, starting from the Sinclair-Haus. Here, until 26 July, a solo exhibition of Laura Ford’s work is combined with ”Blickachsen 7“. Two further installations by the artist from her ”Rag and Bone“ series are to be found in the castle gardens nearby. They bring up associations with Beatrix Potter figures and other characters from children’s books, and refer at the same time to the social reality of big cities. In a work entitled ”Rag and Bone With Bags“ a hedgehog-woman seems to be walking like a tramp through the castle grounds with what looks like a buggy laden with assorted bags, as if she were wandering about in the city centre. And in ”Rag and Bone With Bin“ even the badger, who is closely examining the contents of the dustbin, seems vaguely familiar to the observer, transferring the thematic play into a world of childhood.