Jörg Immendorff
(Germany) *1945 in Bleckede, †2007 in Düsseldorf
Without doubt, Jörg Immendorff, who was already represented at “Blickachsen 5“ with seven pieces from his series “Malerstamm“, is one of Germany's best-known 20th century artists. Initially, Immendorff was primarily known as a painter – above all of the political series "Café Deutschland“, which caused a great stir in the 1980s. At an early date, Immendorff also emphasized the artist as person and as social role. Like the ape figures in his “Malerstamm“ series, the piece entitled “Elbquelle III“ is a good example of this: a large, gilded tree trunk, stripped of all branches and thus seeming somehow dead, has painting utensils hanging from it, such as a palette. The sculpture, cast from bronze, resembles a monument by dint of being completely covered in gold. This monument to art in general and painting in particular is surrounded by a large found rock, a toy train and some bricks. The sculpture “Naht“ recalls national emblems or standards of Antiquity. Its brokenness does not only negate the representational system but also turns the coat of arms – and its meaning – on its head.