Die Vermessung des Himmels 50°08'25.6"N / 8°23'34.6"E 33
As a sound artist, Peter Kiefer studies the specifics of sites and transforms these, through artistic interventions, into spaces of individual experience and intellectual enquiry. For 25 years the trained musician and composer has been using sound as the material for his installative works. For “Blickachsen 10” he has refashioned Eppstein Castle by means of visual and tonal incursions: acoustic spaces invite visitors to linger and open resonant windows onto the world. Thus the keep becomes an intercultural minaret / bell tower, while shifting sounds change other parts of the castle into unfamiliar places that motivate the visitor to examine their own standpoint between inside and outside, protection and opening, familiar habit and receptiveness to the new – wholly in the tradition of Eppstein Castle, which combines its enclosed architecture with a cosmopolitan outlook. The vision of a better society is illustrated by the view of the sky through one of the keyhole arrow slits, while the rotary blades of a military helicopter which are on display in the Südzwinger send out a signal, visible from afar, against sealing off “Fortress Europe”. Kiefer’s installation “Die Vermessung des Himmels” (The Survey of the Skies) is thus also a call for tolerance and compassionate understanding.