Parallel Exhibition: "Children's-Blickachsen 6"

17 June – 8 July 2023
An event organized by the Children’s Art School, Bad Homburg
Twin exhibitions in the Bad Homburg City Library and the Orangery at the castle

Opening ceremony in the Bad Homburg City Library
Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 2.15pm
Following the speeches, the “Frankfurter Clownskommode” clown group will accompany guests to the second exhibition location in the Orangery at the castle for welcoming drinks.

In parallel to the Blickachsen 13 exhibition, the Children’s Art School of Bad Homburg is for the sixth time showing large sculptures by some 100 children and young people in the City Library and the Orangery at the castle.

This Biennale is a unique opportunity for the children to themselves experience what it means to take part in an exhibition in the public space. In their own workshops, project ideas are imaginatively and creatively developed together with the children, sketched, converted to a larger scale and then realised. Finally, all the results will be presented to the general public at the opening.

Bad Homburg City Library
(Dorotheenstr. 24, 61348 Bad Homburg)
Opening times:
Tuesday – Friday 11am-6pm
Saturday 11am-2pm

Orangery at the Bad Homburg castle
Opening times:
Daily 9am-5pm


Sculpture workshops for children

The free-of-charge sculpture workshops for “Children’s Blickachsen 6” are unfortunately all booked out.

Kinderkunstschule (Children's Art School) Bad Homburg
Rind'sche Stiftstr. 7
61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe
Telephone: +49 – (0) 61 72 – 94 23 90

"Kinder-Blickachsen 6"

Kinderkunstschule (Childen's Art School) Bad Homburg
Municipal authorities of the City of Bad Homburg, Department of Culture and Education
StadtBibliothek (City Library) Bad Homburg
State Palaces and Gardens of Hesse
Blickachsen Foundation
La Vie Shopping, Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe

Rotary Club Bad Homburg-Schloss
Blickachsen Foundation
Taunus Sparkasse
Municipal authorities of the City of Bad Homburg

„Kulturkinder! Hochtaunus“, a project of  KulturLeben Hochtaunus – Verein für kulturelle Teilhabe e.V.
FRÖBEL-Kinderkrippe am Ostpark, Frankfurt am Main
Der Kinderschutzbund, Kreisverband Hochtaunus e.V.