Blickachsen 9

Contemporary Sculpture in Bad Homburg and Frankfurt Rhine-Main

26 May – 6 October 2013
In collaboration with Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France

Bad Homburg, Kurpark and Schlosspark:
Arman | Hans Arp | Caspar Berger | Damien Cabanes | Ricardo Calero | César | Richard Deacon | Erik Dietman | Gloria Friedmann | Antony Gormley | Camille Henrot | Sean Henry | Kenny Hunter | Fabrice Hyber | Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel | Masayuki Koorida | Luigi Mainolfi | Yazid Oulab | Germaine Richier | Jean-Paul Riopelle | Stefan Rohrer | Shim Moon-Seup | Hans Steinbrenner | Bernar Venet | Henk Visch | Not Vital

Darmstadt, Kunsthalle Darmstadt:
Matthäus Thoma

Eschborn, Niederhöchstadt Sculpture Park:
Hanneke Beaumont | Michael Zwingmann

Frankfurt, Campus Westend and Campus Riedberg of the Goethe-Universität:
Laura Ford | Jaume Plensa | Peter Randall-Page | Sui Jianguo

Eberbach Monastery:
Dietrich Klinge

Limes, ancient Roman forts Feldberg and Altes Jagdhaus:
Masayuki Koorida | Peter Randall-Page

The Squaire building at Frankfurt airport:
Magdalena Abakanowicz | Ilya & Emilia Kabakov | Jaume Plensa | Assan Smati

Blickachsen Foundation (Stiftung Blickachsen gGmbH)
Municipal authorities of the City of Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d.Höhe
Administration of the Public Stately Homes & Gardens in Hesse

Under the patronage of Volker Bouffier, Minister-President of the State of Hesse

Information under +49 – (0) 61 72 – 6 81 19 46

Blickachsen 9 is made possible through the generous support of
Deutsche Leasing AG
Freunde der Blickachsen
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain
Stefan Quandt